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President Ronald Reagan Patriotic Portrait
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 A classic patriotic photo of Ronald Reagan speaking at a rally for Senator Durenberger. Reagan was the 40th President of the United States, serving two terms of office from 1981 to 1989.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: White House, Michael Evans DATE: February 8, 1982 IMAGE ID: NA007 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14

|  | President Ronald Reagan Portrait
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Official White House portrait photo of President Ronald Reagan, taken in the White House, Washington, D.C.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library DATE: 1981 IMAGE ID: RR001 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14

|  | President Ronald Reagan Statue of Liberty
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of President Ronald Reagan giving a speech on the Centennial of the Statue of Liberty, Governors Island, New York.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library DATE: July 4, 1986 IMAGE ID: RR002 PRINT SIZES: 8x12 12x18 16x24 20x30 24x36 30x45

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President Ronald Reagan w/ John McCain
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of President Ronald Reagan shaking hands with Arizona Senator John McCain.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Carol M. Highsmith DATE: 1986 IMAGE ID: LC1511 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14 16x20 20x24 24x30 30x40

|  | President Ronald Reagan on Horseback
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Classic photo of Ronald Reagan riding his horse El Alamein at Rancho Del Cielo. Reagan was the 40th President of the United States, serving two terms of office from 1981 to 1989.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: White House, Pete Souza DATE: April 8, 1986 IMAGE ID: NA008 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14

|  | Ronald Reagan Funeral Procession Capitol
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Former First Lady Nancy Reagan follows the horse-drawn caisson carrying former President Ronald Reagan's flag-draped casket as it proceeds to the Nations Capitol, where he will lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Navy's Mate 3rd Class Todd Frantom DATE: June 9, 2004 IMAGE ID: AF211 PRINT SIZES: 8x12

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Ronald Reagan Funeral Nancy w/ Casket Flag
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo taken at President Ronald Reagan's funeral of Capt. James A. Symonds presenting the casket flag to former First Lady Nancy Reagan during internment services held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Navy's Mate 1st Class Jon D. Gesch DATE: June 11, 2004 IMAGE ID: AF213 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14

|  | Ronald Reagan Funeral U.S. Capitol Viewing
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of President Ronald Reagan's casket in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda as visitors pass during the public viewing. Honor Guard members from all branches of service stand guard over the casket.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: USCG, Telfair H. Brown, Sr. DATE: July 10, 2004 IMAGE ID: CG100 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14

|  | Ronald Reagan Funeral Joint Chiefs of Staff
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff saluting former President Ronald Reagan's flag draped casket during the State Funeral procession in Washington D.C. Reagan served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Air Force, Staff Sgt. Shane A. Cuomo DATE: June 9, 2004 IMAGE ID: DD107 PRINT SIZES: 8x10

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Ronald Reagan Funeral at Capitol
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo taken at the former President Ronald Reagan funeral of the Old Guard Caisson Platoon carrying the casket of former president, as members of the Joint Service Honor Guard stand by on the steps of the Capitol in Washington D.C.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Air Force, Airman 1st Class Casey McCormick DATE: June 9, 2004 IMAGE ID: DD108 PRINT SIZES: 8x10

|  | Ronald Reagan Funeral Horse Drawn Caisson
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo taken at the former President Ronald Reagan funeral of the Old Guard Caisson Platoon and the former presidents flag-draped casket during the State Funeral procession from the White House to the Capitol in Washington, D.C.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Air Force, Master Sgt. Mark Suban DATE: June 9, 2004 IMAGE ID: DD110 PRINT SIZES: 8x10

|  | President Ronald Reagan Official Portrait
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Official presidential photo of Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States. Reagan served as president from 1981 to 1989.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: White House DATE: April 8, 1983 IMAGE ID: LC040 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14 16x20 20x24 24x30 30x40

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Nancy Reagan Official First Lady
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Nancy Reagan, wife to Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States.

|  | President Ronald Reagan 1981 Oath of Office
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Chief Justice Warren E. Burger administers the presidential oath of office to Ronald Reagan on the west front of the U.S. Capitol.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Architect of the Capitol DATE: January 20, 1981 IMAGE ID: LC279 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14

|  | President Ronald Reagan Oath of Office 1985
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of President Ronald Reagan and Chief Justice Warren E. Burger administering the oath of office to the new President in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, January 21, 1985.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Senate Photographic Studio DATE: January 21, 1985 IMAGE ID: LC415 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14 16x20 20x24 24x30 30x40

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President Ronald Reagan Inauguration, 1981
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of President Ronald Reagan at his Inauguration on the west front of the U.S. Capitol, with the Washington Monument in the distance, January 20, 1981.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Architect of the Capitol DATE: January 20, 1981 IMAGE ID: LC416 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14 16x20 20x24 24x30 30x40

|  | President Ronald Reagan Inaugural Address
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of President Ronald Reagan delivering his inaugural address on the west front of the U.S. Capitol, January 20, 1981.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Architect of the Capitol DATE: January 20, 1981 IMAGE ID: LC417 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14 16x20 20x24 24x30 30x40

|  | Ronald Reagan w/ STS-1 Young & Crippen
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of Pres. Ronald Reagan presenting Astronaut John Young with the Congressional Space Medal of Honor as well as NASA's Distinguished Service Medal. Robert C. Crippen also received the Distinguished Service Medal.

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Ronald Reagan at Mission Control
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of President Ronald Reagan in Mission Control asking STS-2-2 Astronauts Joe Engle and Richard Truly if they could stop by Washington en route to their California landing site so that he might come along.

|  | Ronald Reagan Saluted by Shuttle Crew
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of Columbia Space Shuttle Astronauts Commander Thomas K. Mattingly and Pilot Henry W. Hartsfield saluting President Ronald Reagan and his wife, Nancy, as the astronauts begin the customary walk-around inspection of the orbiter after landing.

|  | President Reagan Funeral Nancy w/ Casket
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of Nancy Reagan laying her head on the flag-draped mahogany casket of her husband, former President Ronald Reagan during a service at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Navy's Mate 1st Class David A. Levy DATE: June 7, 2004 IMAGE ID: NY153 PRINT SIZES: 8x10

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Ronald Reagan Funeral Honor Guard w/ Casket
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Members of a joint honor guard carry former President Ronald Reagan's flag-draped casket to a horse-drawn caisson for the funeral procession in Washington D.C. Reagan served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Air Force, Master Sgt. Jim Varhegyi DATE: June 9, 2004 IMAGE ID: NY154 PRINT SIZES: 8x12

|  | Ronald Reagan Funeral Riderless Horse
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 A riderless horse follows the caisson bearing former President Photo of Ronald Reagan's flag-draped casket during his funeral procession in Washington D.C. A pair of President Reagan's boots are reversed in the stirrups of the empty saddle.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Air Force, Master Sgt. Jim Varhegyi DATE: June 9, 2004 IMAGE ID: NY155 PRINT SIZES: 8x10

|  | Ronald Reagan Funeral Procession w/ Capitol
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 The horse-drawn caisson carrying former President Ronald Reagan proceeds to the Nation's Capitol, where he will lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda. Reagan served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Navy's Mate 3rd Class Todd Frantom DATE: June 9, 2004 IMAGE ID: NY156 PRINT SIZES: 8x12

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Ronald Reagan Funeral Nancy Waves to Crowd
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Ronald Reagan funeral photo of Former First Lady Nancy Reagan bidding farewell to on-lookers before boarding the VC-25 Special Airlift Mission (SAM) 2800 747 aircraft.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Navy's Mate 1st Class Arlo K. Abrahamson DATE: June 9, 2004 IMAGE ID: NY157 PRINT SIZES: 8x10

|  | Ronald Reagan Funeral Transfer to Aircraft
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of Ceremonial Guardsmen carrying the flag-draped casket of former President Ronald Reagan from a hearse after arriving at Naval Base Ventura County, Pt. Mugu, Calif.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Navy's Mate 3rd Class Shane M. Hadlick DATE: June 9, 2004 IMAGE ID: NY158 PRINT SIZES: 8x12

|  | Ronald Reagan Funeral Honor Guard & VC-25
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Ronald Reagan funeral photo of the Ceremonial Honor Guardsmen carrying the flag-draped casket of the former President to the VC-25 Special Airlift Mission (SAM) 2800 aircraft during a departure ceremony at Point Mugu, California.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Navy's Mate 3rd Class Shane M. Hadlick DATE: June 9, 2004 IMAGE ID: NY217 PRINT SIZES: 8x12

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Reagan Funeral Honor Guard Departs Aircraft
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of Members of the Ceremonial Honor Guard carrying the casket of former President Ronald Reagan after it is removed from the VC-25 Special Airlift Mission (SAM) 2800 747 aircraft.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: U.S. Navy, Chief Photographer's Mate Edward Martens DATE: June 11, 2004 IMAGE ID: NY218 PRINT SIZES: 8x12

|  | Senator John McCain w/ Ronald Reagan
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of President Ronald Reagan and republican senator John McCain of Arizona at the White House in the Oval Office in Washington, D.C.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Unknown DATE: 1987 IMAGE ID: LC2253 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14 16x20 20x24 24x30 30x40

|  | President Ronald Reagan & John McCain
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo of President Ronald Reagan and republican senator John McCain of Arizona at the White House in Washington, D.C.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Unknown DATE: 1987 IMAGE ID: LC2254 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14 16x20 20x24 24x30 30x40

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President Ronald Reagan & Sen. John McCain
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 White House photo of Senator John McCain and President Ronald Reagan.

|  | U.S. President Reagan and Soviet Leader Gorbachev
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Photo print of U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev posing for official photos in the White House Library on Dec. 8, 1987. The two leaders signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty on this date.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: White House/Reagan Library DATE: December 8, 1987 IMAGE ID: ZZ0059 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14 16x20 20x24 24x30 30x40

|  | Reagans Wave from Limo on Inauguration Day 1981
 Ronald Reagan Photo Print

 Ronald Reagan photo showing Reagan and his wife Nancy waving to the crowd from their limo during the 1981 inaugural parade.
PHOTOGRAPHER / CREDIT: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library DATE: January 20, 1981 IMAGE ID: RR005 PRINT SIZES: 8x10 11x14 16x20 20x24 24x30 30x40
